How to Get More Out of Your Note-Taking as a Real Estate Agent [Sell More Properties]

The Property Profile: Capturing Every Detail for Closing Deals

14 mins read

Bill leans back on his new front porch swing, luxuriating with a cold beer in his hand and a smile on his face. Before him, the hills of his new property roll out like a natural red carpet, applauding him on his success.

After many frustrating close calls and years of searching, he finally found his dream home.

His new property was 35 acres of prime pasture land, perfect for the cattle he plans to run. There’s a barn, old but sufficient for his purposes. He can upgrade it in a few years once his business gains traction.

The house is a thing of beauty, with a cabin-like exterior that looks aesthetically rustic but also proud. Inside, polished wooden floors invite you to enter, while warm colors in the living room and kitchen make it feel cozy and homey.

It’s exactly what Bill wanted, even down to the little creek running across the north side of the property. He could probably expand it into a little pond and throw a line in on Saturday mornings if he wanted.

He would probably be too busy for a while, though, he thinks with a grin. Now that he’s found the perfect place for his homestead, it’s time to marry the love of his life, Anna, and start a family.

He wanted to be sure to set the place up nicely before bringing her into his life, but his real estate agent got him a really good deal, and the place won’t need much fixing up after all.

Speaking of his real estate agent, Bill glances down again at the note he holds in his non-beer hand.

The handwritten note smiled back at him, the friendly scrawl complete with tiny ink splots and endearingly human mannerisms:

“Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! It was an absolute pleasure working with you. I am so honored that you trusted me on this journey to finding your dream home. Please don’t hesitate to call should there be anything that I can do for you!”

Bill knows that it was likely auto-generated and that his real estate agent probably only printed it off and signed their name at the bottom, but he doesn’t mind.

He’s so pleased with his new home and with the overall pleasantness of the transaction. This little bit of human touch, even if it isn’t quite from the direct hands of a human, hits the spot just right.

Bill takes a long draught of his beer, satisfied, and watches the long pasture grass wave in the wind. Just like his agent expressed in the note, he’s happy to have found his dream home.

Real Estate Secrets: The Effectiveness of Handwritten Notes

Have you ever received a handwritten note? You pull the envelope out of the mailbox, thinking it’s just another bill. But then you see the delicate cursive lettering and the thick, heavy paper.

You feel excitement start to bubble. Someone has written you a letter! The envelope you hold in your hand came directly from another hand, somewhere else in the world, who dedicated it especially to you. They went to the trouble of writing it, addressing it, and mailing it to you.

The thoughtfulness really can’t be overstated. You’re touched. Receiving this note may have even made your day, regardless of what’s inside it. Just knowing that it was created especially for you makes you feel valuable.

Even a small note can pack a gratifying punch.

Handwritten Letters and the Human Touch

In a world of digital correspondence and text messages, human touch has gone out the window. We’ve largely forgotten the power of holding a handwritten thank-you note, much less long-form letters.

Receiving a handwritten note is touching. Partly because you know that another person is on the other end of it. Partly because it sends the message that you are important enough for the sender to write you a personal message.

Realtors are increasingly incorporating handwritten notes into their repertoire, to stunning effect. It’s the perfect touch for an industry all about finding you the perfect home; it’s homey, encouraging, and sends the message that this agent really does care about your family’s happiness.

There are a lot of emotions, fears, hopes, and dreams that go into looking for a new home. An empathetic ear from your real estate agent goes a long way toward making that experience a positive one rather than a stressful one.

There are several key reasons why handwritten notes are so effective among real estate professionals.

  • They have higher open and engagement rates. According to statistics, handwritten notes are opened 99% of the time, while emails are only opened 20% of the time. Sending notes is simply a more effective way to connect with potential clients.
  • They offer independent agents more leverage. Real estate agents no longer have to be affiliated with large, name-brand agencies in order to operate. Instead, handwritten notes can single-handedly help an independent agent build strong personal relationships and a sphere of influence.
  • They make it to the decision-makers. Instead of being immediately tossed in the trash as spam or unsolicited marketing mail, a handwritten envelope is more likely to reach the hands of the home owner.
  • People appreciate the human connection. Much mail comes through email now, leaving mailboxes empty. Especially after COVID-19, many people are yearning for human connection. According to the NY Post, even 87% of millennials value a handwritten note more than a text message.
  • Recipients are more likely to save handwritten notes. Not only is the recipient more likely to open and read a handwritten note, but they are also more likely to keep it. They may even leave it on the table or counter where family members and friends may see it, reaching even more people.
  • They build trust. Handwritten notes promote trust by showing a willingness to take the time to get personal. This authenticity makes the relationship more meaningful, which creates value in your future interactions.

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits that make notes a good business strategy for marketers. It demonstrates excellent customer service while also being an intimate gesture that stands out in the modern world.

By making your client feel appreciated and valued, you also show a level of professionalism by not being afraid to go the extra mile to add that personal touch.

The Power of Relationship Marketing in Real Estate

Relationship marketing is all about building a strong relationship between the brand and the client. Real estate is heavily relationship-based, hence the value of handwritten notes.

The human touch takes the real estate agent far in each of their interactions, be it with brokers, new listings, or farming for new clients. A simple note can generate leads, spark repeat purchases, and build consumer loyalty.

Handwritten notes are actually more conducive to transaction management because realtors can focus on maintaining strong customer relationships instead of paying high customer acquisition costs.

There are several types of relationship marketing that real estate agents can use.

  • Basic relationship marketing is essentially equivalent to direct sales. In this scenario, one handwritten note earns one sale. Perhaps it’s a note to the homeowner asking if they’re interested in selling or a note to a potential buyer that leads to an isolated sale.
  • Reactive relationship marketing occurs after a sale when the realtor encourages the client to provide feedback. A handwritten note asking for feedback may result in a review on Zillow, which would then reach viewers.
  • Accountable relationship marketing occurs when a customer is encouraged to call with questions or concerns. A handwritten note may be used to follow up with a client who recently sold or purchased a home.
  • Proactive relationship marketing works with clients to assess the realtor’s performance. A handwritten note may be used to collect feedback that is then used to improve the realtor’s performance.
  • Partnership marketing collaborates with fellow realtors to improve customer satisfaction and performance. A handwritten note may be sent to realtors in another region who are more familiar with the area where your client is looking to buy.

The benefits of using notes in real estate are endless. They raise the credibility of your brand, show that you care, grab potential clients’ attention, give you a personal touch, make your clients feel appreciated and valued, and create higher consumer loyalty.

Types of Handwritten Notes in the Real Estate Business

Just as there are plenty of uses for handwritten notes, there are also multiple kinds of notes that real estate agents can use to interact with their clients.

Here are some examples of the most common types of notes that realtors use to build relationships with their clients.

Attract Leads

These notes are used to develop a real connection with prospective clients. They demonstrate that you are invested enough to take the time to initiate and build a relationship. For example, you might send a thank-you note to the listing broker after a great transaction.

Thank-You Notes

Whenever a potential client meets with you, show them your appreciation through a thank-you note. You can also take this opportunity to provide a link to your website or social media page. Studies have shown that recipients of thank-you notes are often extremely grateful to the sender.

Buyers and Sellers

Of course, many of the realtor’s most valuable interactions come from those looking to buy or sell a home. A note can be used to share evidence of a realtor’s prior successes in buying and selling houses, with QR links to the results and testimonials. A single sale per year can cover the cost of all of these handwritten notes.


Buying or selling a home can be a bumpy journey for many clients. If one of them is having a bad day or something happens to discourage them, a quick note of encouragement could be all they need to stick it out until the end.

Opening Escrow Accounts

A home hitting escrow is a big milestone in the buying and selling process. These milestones are the perfect opportunity to congratulate the client with a note while also sliding in a reminder about the remaining steps.

Closing a Sale

It can be a journey going from an accepted offer to a closed sale. Celebrate with your client by sending them a note thanking them for their patience and their business.

Deal Falls Through

Whenever a deal falls through, your client will undoubtedly be disappointed and frustrated. Send a consolation note along with the next steps that you want to suggest. Set up a follow-up chat to reconnect and get back on track.

Expired Listings

Take advantage of expired listings to send the seller a note with your solution and game plan for getting their property sold. Include an explanation for why it wasn’t sold when it was listed before and how you’re going to bring about a different outcome.

Happy Anniversary

On the one-year anniversary mark after one of your clients moved into their new home, send them a personalized note congratulating them on their anniversary and reminding them that you are at their service for any future needs.

After a full decade, you can send another note to your client suggesting that it might be time to upgrade. If they have a growing family by now, they just might take you up on it.

How to Use Handwritten Notes in Real Estate Marketing

Clearly, there are tons of options for real estate agents to leverage handwritten notes in their careers. They can be extremely influential in building relationships with potential clients and generating sales.

However, there are a few things for the realtor to keep in mind.

First, even though notes can lead to sales, not every note should seek a sale. Real estate has a long conversion cycle; you have to play the long game. Using relationship marketing means having to build a relationship with the recipient before they agree to become a client.

Eventually, it will be time to suggest converting. But until then, the first notes are more about introducing yourself and expressing an interest in the client’s needs.

Second, always include a QR code with each note. Then the client can simply scan the code to open your website. It’s not a hard-to-read URL that can be mistyped. You can also use QR codes to book appointments, look at featured listings, and view custom MLS search results.

Third, research the area before sending out notes. This is called “farming” in real estate, and each farm has its own demographic and local quirks. You have to get to know what people are like before you can draft a note that will appeal to them.

When it comes to appealing to them, don’t overdo it on explaining why you’re reaching out. Simply include something related to them that shows that you are interested in them as a person and want to establish a connection.

What to Include in a Note

Notes will vary depending on your audience and their situation, so don’t rely overly much on templates to draft them. Instead, consider templates to be more like starting points, and then modify them as necessary to fit your needs.

As for the sheer basics, you may want to include the following:

Start by thanking the recipient for their time, whether they are past clients or potential leads. This lets them know that you value their business and their time.

Then, mention how your expertise could be invaluable to them and their potential purchase. Perhaps you’re a native of your area or otherwise an authority in the region.

Include an updated business card and include a return address on the envelope so they can respond.

Relationship marketing is not to be taken lightly, but it doesn’t have to be rocket science. Be friendly, be sincere, and don’t overwhelm them.

Here are a couple things you don’t want to include in your notes:

Don’t overly advertise yourself or be too pushy about selling yourself. Play the long game, or you risk turning them off with the first note.

Avoid language around pricing, trials, or discounts. Save these offers for digital formats such as emails or typed letters. The notes should stick to being friendly and conversational.

Don’t include any offer language. Doing so could land you in a pickle, as it could be seen as a legally binding offer.

Creative Uses for Handwritten Notes

Of course, you can always use notes in a variety of creative and uncommon ways. Doing so may land you clients that you might otherwise miss.

Write a note to a client that includes an inspiring quote or phrase that applies to their situation. Or, suggest a couple of local attractions or activities to clients moving to a new area.

Personalize each note with stickers or drawings that match your brand. Include a picture of yourself along with a heartfelt message.

Write holiday cards wishing them a happy celebration and reminding them of your services.

Invite them to an open house or suggest several open houses that they might be interested in, without adding any pressure to attend, of course.

Do Real Estate Agents Actually Write Their Notes?

While handwritten notes are clearly a fantastic opportunity for real estate agents, they’re not actually always “handwritten.” Realtors can choose from several options when writing their notes.

The first option is to type the note on your computer and use a font that resembles human writing. Fonts like Sacramento, Dancing Script, or Parisienne might do the trick. They’re cursive, so they may pass as human-like, but they’re also too uniform to truly look like human handwriting.

Secondly, you could type the note on your computer and then “sign” it with a cursive font. Or, you could type it on the computer and then sign it by hand. Either way, it will still be clear that it was typed, not handwritten.

Third, you could use an AI generator that creates notes that look exactly like handwriting. It includes variations and simple errors to make it look completely authentic.

Lastly, you could make the entire thing bona fide authentic by writing it by hand from start to finish. This is the best option for a real estate marketing product; if you think clients won’t notice the previous options, you might be surprised. It makes a difference.

How to Contract a Handwriting Notes Service

But if your company is too large to make authentic handwritten notes a viable option, then you need to find an excellent notes service for your products.

After all, they’ll be producing the notes that matter so much to building relationships with your clientele. You shouldn’t take this choice lightly.

Look for a service that uses the best equipment and offers customizable options. They should always deliver on time and have expert communication surrounding your project.

High-quality material is a must; thick cards and envelopes make all the difference in a client’s hands. Quality material is not negotiable.

It would be ideal if the service offered different sizes of notes, since sometimes you’ll want to send smaller cards and other times larger cards. As for the handwriting itself, you want a solid number of fonts to choose from.

You also want to be able to personalize the note. Can you add drawings or QR codes? What about a cute little flower doodle? The more personalized the note, the more impact it has.

Check to see if the service uses a Forever stamp on their envelopes. This stamp shows that a real person affixed the postage on the envelope.

What is the service’s turnaround time? The faster, the better for both you and your clients. Though not so fast that it compromises the quality, of course.

Does the service offer options to scale up or scale back your services as needed? Your needs may change season by season or as your company grows.

Obviously, you don’t want to get hit with any hidden fees. You want a service that’s honest, transparent, and consistent about the costs attached to postage, processing, and handling.

Does the service offer premium services for when you want to upgrade? It’s good to have options and opportunities for growth.

If the service has a free mobile application that would make the process more convenient, that would be a great bonus.

Collateral would also be a nice touch. Including gift cards or certificates, coupons, candles, or something else with your notes would make them all the more special.


Notes might not be the first thing you think of when you think of real estate agents. Content marketing, a hefty business plan, and lead generation, sure, but not notes.

However, most agents have found notes to be better than phone calls when it comes to trying to engage prospects. They can bring in more leads and more deals than social media channels.

You don’t have to write a blog post for each note; in fact, that would be counterintuitive. Short and sweet is more in order; work smarter, not harder. The purpose of a handwritten note is to create a connection with a potential client.

Notes can reach a wider audience than your company’s social media accounts simply because recipients value handwritten notes more than digital correspondence. It makes them feel valuable and appreciated.

It also makes the realtor more personable and trustworthy. When faced with the choice of scrolling through the search engines for a realtor or calling the friendly agent who sent them a note, many people will choose the latter option.

Notes are inexpensive but have the potential to be highly effective, giving them high leverage capabilities. Experienced agents know the power that the human touch has in relationship marketing. If you want to take a client from start to finish, that personal touch is going to carry a lot of weight.

Whether the realtor is a buyer’s agent, listing agent, seller’s agent, or all of the above, notes provide an effective tool for reaching more potential clients and reassuring the clients they already have.

From first reaching out to a potential client to walking them through the buying or selling process to finally closing the deal, the entire process can be smoothed out by good notes.

The key is to be friendly, personable, and authentic. You want to sound trustworthy, caring, and invested in your clients’ needs and ultimate satisfaction.

In a modern world where customer service grows increasingly surly and the personal touch is lacking in many businesses, realtors go against the grainbyn finding ways to use handwritten notes. They’re reviving a dying art, reminding people of the joy that comes from receiving a message written by hand — even by the hand of a complete stranger.

Realtors may be ultimately trying to sell something, but notes allow them to package it in a way that makes it a true service to their clients. If the client can buy or sell their home while working with an agent who is empathetic, responsive, and kind, then their experience will be pleasant and their satisfaction will be high.